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Sponge city construction-garage roof siphon drainage

Release Time:2021-03-04Click:
Sponge city construction-garage roof siphon drainage.
 The construction of a sponge city is one of the 100 major projects listed in the 13th Five-Year Plan. The sponge city is like a sponge, which can absorb, store, infiltrate, purify rainwater, and replenish groundwater when it rains. , Adjust the water cycle. The underground garage siphon drainage system not only solves the problem of rainwater infiltration, stagnation, storage, purification, use, and drainage, but also the difficulty of waterproofing the garage and the difficulty of planting plants in the garage to survive. The siphon drainage system of the garage planting roof is an important part of the three-dimensional greening construction of the sponge city.
Sponge city construction-garage roof siphon drainage.
      The siphon drainage system of the garage roof is to divide the garage roof into several areas scientifically and rationally using drainage collection troughs, and lay siphon drainage boards. The original scattered and unorganized natural flowing water is transformed into a systematic and organized drainage. The water pressure generated by gravity and water level difference is used to form power, and a siphon reducing pipe is added to form a siphon phenomenon and accelerate the discharge of excess water.
Sponge city construction-garage roof siphon drainage.
Advantages of using siphon protection drainage collection system on garage roof
 1. Solve the difficulty in finding slopes for large-area roofs, and achieve zero-slope organized drainage
 2. Cancel the slope-finding layer, protective layer, isolation layer, and replace the traditional drainage filter layer
 3. Convenient construction, saving 3/4 of the construction period and saving 1/3-1/2 of the cost
 4. Collect infiltrated water as garden irrigation water to save water resources
 5. It has the functions of water-proof, breathable and heat preservation
 6. Easy to maintain and reduce blockage
 7. Ventilation through the ventilating observation port, figuring out with atmospheric pressure to accelerate drainage. Form a drainage system that can breathe.
 8. Green and environmental protection, in line with the sponge city green energy-saving building specifications, and play the role of infiltration, infiltration, storage, purification, use, and drainage.
