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Significance of rainwater collection and utilization

Release Time:2021-03-04Click:
Qingdao Vipac Rainwater Technology Co., Ltd. tells you the significance of rainwater collection and utilization. Due to the deterioration of the environment and the pollution of human beings to the natural world, clean water sources are becoming less and less, and water shortages are widespread around the world. As a kind of clean energy, rainwater has always been ignored by people. How to collect and use it scientifically and effectively becomes extremely meaningful.
Qingdao Vipac Rainwater Technology Co., Ltd. tells you the significance of rainwater collection and utilization.
  Effective use of rainwater and the benefits of rainwater control
  Reduce urban waterlogging
   Effectively save water resources
   Reduce the diameter of the rainwater pipe network and reduce the investment in sewage treatment
   Mitigating non-point source pollution in inland lakes
  Reduce planting costs in saline-alkali areas
   Current status of comprehensive utilization of urban rainwater in my country's cities:
       Qingdao Vipac Rainwater Technology Co., Ltd. tells you the significance of rainwater collection and utilization.
Rain and flood utilization has been widely used in arid and semi-arid areas in western my country, mainly used to collect rain to irrigate farmland and to solve residential water use, such as the "121 Rainwater Collection Project" in Gansu, the "Yaojiao Agriculture" in the mountainous area of ​​southern Ningxia, The "Ganlu Project" in Shaanxi, the "123" Project in Shanxi, and the "112 Rainwater Harvesting and Water Saving Irrigation Project" in Inner Mongolia. The utilization of rainwater in cities in my country started late and is not yet very mature in terms of theory and technology. In the early 1990s, with the funding of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Beijing Institute of Water Conservancy and other units carried out research on the topic "One of the Key Issues in the Development and Utilization of Beijing's Water Resources-Rainwater Utilization Research". Preliminary research on the effect of rainwater storage by the roof-seepage well system and lawn has been carried out, and some countermeasures and technical measures for rainwater utilization in Beijing urban area have been put forward. However, due to technical and economic reasons, it could not be promoted and applied at that time. Since 2000, with the support of the Sino-German cooperation "Beijing Urban Rainwater Control and Utilization Technology Research and Demonstration" project, Beijing has further carried out systematic research on urban rainwater utilization, and initially formed urban rainwater collection and detention. A technical system for storage, treatment, reuse and recharge underground, and a rainwater utilization demonstration area with a total area of ​​60hm2 has been built. Under the influence of this project, a climax of research and application of rainwater utilization has been set off. In 2002, the Beijing Water Conservation Office funded the China Agricultural University to carry out research on urban rainwater utilization. The Beijing Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture and the Beijing Water Conservation Office have also carried out research on the "Beijing Urban Rainwater Utilization Technology Research and Rainwater Infiltration Expansion Experiment" project. Cities such as Tianjin, Shanghai and Shenzhen have also successively carried out research and application of rainwater utilization.
       Qingdao Vipac Rainwater Technology Co., Ltd. tells you the significance of rainwater collection and utilization.
  The generalization and harm of urban waterlogging in our country are becoming more and more serious
   From 2008 to 2010, with the frequent occurrence of extreme weather, some cities were frequently hit by heavy rainstorms, causing serious urban waterlogging. Among the cities where waterlogging occurred, 74.6% had the maximum water depth exceeding 50 cm, and 90% of the water depths were more than 15 cm (the depth of water that may submerge the exhaust pipe of a car). The waterlogging time in the city where waterlogging occurred was more than half. The hourly cities accounted for 78.9%, of which 57 cities had a maximum water accumulation time of more than 12 hours. Waterlogging seems to have become a common condition after heavy rainfall in many cities in my country.
   Urban waterlogging is not in our country. There are waterlogging problems abroad. In June 2007, the German capital Berlin was hit by heavy rain. The main roads of the city have been flooded by rain, and vehicles can only wade through the water with difficulty. Even until the next day, the traffic on these roads still did not recover. After a heavy rain in Mexico City in 2009, the whole city turned into mud pools.
   The city should not be allowed to see the sea as a common sight:
  Urban construction is an ecosystem and a three-dimensional circular system. It should be planned and built together on the ground and underground. But for a long time, some city managers and builders, especially the main leading cadres, have valued the face of the city even more, comparing with the high-rise buildings, lawn area, keen on landmark buildings, and concentrating on planning and operating the city, the city’s glamorous face As the spread grows bigger, the ecosystem becomes more and more fragile. It rains in the sky and water accumulates on the ground; it rains heavily in the sky and the ground becomes a river. The distorted view of political achievements was ruthlessly exposed in the face of the heavy rain. The red light that the heavy rain has given to urban construction cannot be ignored. City managers should put the management of urban waterlogging in the maintenance of public safety and attach great importance to them, adhere to the problem-oriented approach, focus on filling shortcomings, plug loopholes, eliminate hidden dangers, and effectively enhance the ability to resist and respond to waterlogging disasters. In particular, it is necessary to rectify the view of political achievements in urban construction, put underground construction in the priority position of public decision-making, capital investment, and important matters of people’s livelihood, do more to lay the foundation and manage long-term practical things, and act as the background of sustainable urban development without fame and fortune. Hero, do a solid job of "conscientious work" in the construction of underground pipe network.
In the past, my country’s cities did not have such widespread and serious waterlogging. The big factor is that the heavy rain was absorbed and digested by nature but humans did not feel it. With the development of society, new issues concerning rainwater have arisen, and we need to deal with it with new ideas. The rain bestowed by nature, let rain benefit mankind, and make the city where you and me are more suitable for human living. Don't let the rain turn roads into rivers, blocks into lakes, and bring inconvenience to our lives.
       Qingdao Vipac Rainwater Technology Co., Ltd. tells you the significance of rainwater collection and utilization.
   Solutions to urban waterlogging
The construction of a sponge city should take the construction of urban buildings and communities, urban roads, green spaces and squares, and water systems as carriers. Urban planning, design, construction, and project management and other departments and majors should coordinate and coordinate to break through the traditional The “main” urban rainwater management concept is to build a low-impact rainwater system through a variety of ecological technologies such as infiltration, retention, storage, purification, utilization, and drainage.
For buildings and communities, green roofs can be made to retain rainwater while saving energy, reducing emissions, and alleviating the heat island effect; sidewalks and squares can be pavement with permeable water; the green spaces in the community should "sink" if conditions permit, so that rainwater can be used. Enter the sunken green space for regulation, storage, infiltration and purification, instead of directly discharging through the sewer; the landscape water body of the community can be used as a comprehensive facility for regulation, storage, purification and utilization of rainwater.
  Urban roads are one of the main places where runoff rainwater and its pollutants are generated, and it is particularly important to control rainwater on urban road paths. The sidewalk can be pavement permeable, and the road green belt can sink. If the green belt space is insufficient, the road rainwater can also be introduced into the surrounding public green space for consumption.
Urban green spaces and squares should be built into multi-functional "rainwater parks" with rainwater regulation and storage functions. Urban water systems should have sufficient rainwater regulation and discharge capabilities, and waterfront green belts should have the ability to purify rainwater that flows into the city. The line should be designed as an ecological revetment to improve the self-purification capacity of the water system.
   Maintaining and restoring the water absorption, water seepage, and water purification capabilities of urban green spaces and water bodies is an important means of building a sponge city. Therefore, while ensuring the original functions of urban roads and green spaces, it is necessary to rationally plan the land layout and vertical design, so that the low-impact development rainwater facilities can effectively connect with the urban rainwater pipe system and the excess rainwater runoff discharge system to give full play to the city’s “green” "The ability of infrastructure and "gray" infrastructure to work together.
