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Pay attention to the four major issues in the construction of sponge cities

Release Time:2021-03-04Click:


During the National Two Sessions in 2016, the National Revolutionary Committee of the People's Republic of China submitted the "Proposal on Promoting the Construction of Sponge City Scientifically in Adapting Measures to Local Conditions" as a collective proposal. The author of the proposal, member of the Human Resources and Environmental Protection Committee of the National Revolutionary Committee, and associate professor of North China University of Technology, Fu Fan, said in an interview with People's Daily that the control targets are too high, the lack of local norms, and the limitations of technical measures have become the current sponge city construction. The real problems facing.
     Qingdao Vipac Rainwater Technology Co., Ltd. puts forward four major issues in the construction of sponge cities
     Sponge city refers to solving the problem of urban waterlogging and water shortage through the process of water absorption, storage, purification and release. It is a new idea to solve urban water ecological problems and a major event that benefits the country and the people. Since the state proposed to build a “sponge city with natural accumulation, natural penetration, and natural purification” in 2013, relevant ministries and commissions have successively issued guiding documents and organized pilot projects for the construction of sponge cities.
     Fu Fan believes that as the research and construction of sponge cities continue to deepen, some issues need to be paid attention to. The first is that the relevant policy documents control targets are too high. The "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Construction of Sponge Cities" proposes that by 2020, more than 20% of the urban built-up area will absorb and use 70% of the rainfall on the spot. For high-density cities, especially the old urban areas, the rate of green space is low, and underground space is often already used. It is difficult to achieve the control goal by relying solely on development technical measures. In addition, the ability to remove pollutants is limited, and the water quality is difficult to meet the corresponding standards.
     Qingdao Vipac Rainwater Technology Co., Ltd. puts forward four major issues in the construction of sponge cities
     The second is the lack of scientific and systematic understanding of the sponge city. Some places believe that the sponge city is the construction of a concave green space. Blindly embarking on rapid construction with insufficient funds, personnel, and knowledge, will cause undesirable consequences.
     The third is the lack of local norms that are in line with national policies. Some measures in the "Technical Guidelines for Sponge City Construction" may not be applicable to certain areas. For example, permeable paving is not suitable for implementation in cold areas. After the rain and snow melt and penetrate into the pavement surface and base layer, freezing cracks and frost heave will occur.
     Fourth, the existing measures have limitations. Rain gardens, sunken green spaces, and roof gardens all require plants with strong waterlogging tolerance, which limit the species. Therefore, large-scale promotion will reduce native plant species and other related biological species.
     Qingdao Vipac Rainwater Technology Co., Ltd. puts forward four major issues in the construction of sponge cities
     The Central Committee of the National Revolutionary Committee of the People's Republic of China proposed in the proposal to modify and improve relevant policy documents. Supplement the macro-level measures for rainwater regulation and management; supplement the chapters on the renovation and upgrading of municipal rainwater pipe network facilities; distinguish the assessment indicators of the new and old urban areas to avoid major demolition and reform in the old urban areas.
     Refine the sponge city construction measures, and each pilot city will formulate relevant guidelines, norms, and standard rules based on the actual local characteristics. Comprehensively consider the cost of construction, operation and maintenance of the sponge city, do a good job of fund estimation and fund arrangement, and make reasonable expenditures to avoid waste of funds.
     In addition, scientific assessments will be made on the infrastructure of the sponge city pilot area, the highest water holding capacity of soil and green space, the integrated functional positioning of the green space and other functions of urban land, and the scope of green space that can be transformed into the sponge city will be clarified.
