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Talking about the Construction of "Sponge City"

Release Time:2021-03-04Click:
Abstract: Starting on April 2, 2015, the construction of sponge cities has been piloted in 16 cities in my country. So, how do we build a sponge city? Let us first understand the low-impact development that is most closely integrated with landscape design in the sponge city.
Qingdao Vipac Rainwater Technology Co., Ltd. talks about the construction of "sponge city".
Imagine that the city is as "resilient" as a "sponge". When it rains in the city, it absorbs water, stores water, seeps water, and purifies water. When needed, the stored water is "released" and reused for the benefit of mankind. So, what is the relationship between the garden industry and the construction of sponge cities? In fact, "sponge cities" are water ecological infrastructures based on landscapes. Every inch of land in the city has certain functions such as rain and flood regulation, water conservation, and rain pollution purification. This is also the basis for the construction of the "sponge city". However, the distribution of various key ecological processes on the land is not balanced. Therefore, through the "safety pattern of landscape design", rational planning for urban rainwater storage, water source protection and conservation, groundwater replenishment, rain pollution purification, habitat The key areas, locations and spaces in important aquatic ecological processes, such as land restoration and soil purification, together constitute the aquatic ecological infrastructure. "Sponge" is not a virtual concept, it corresponds to a real landscape pattern; to build a "sponge city" is to establish the corresponding water ecological infrastructure, which is also the most efficient and intensive way. Therefore, the concept of "sponge city" construction is inseparable from its application in landscape design.
Qingdao Vipac Rainwater Technology Co., Ltd. talks about the construction of "sponge city".
Below, China Shichuang will take you into the relevant application of garden landscape in the construction of sponge city!




        If traditional urban development cuts off the natural circulation route of rainwater, then low-impact development is to use a series of landscape and engineering methods to make the city's drainage can simulate the natural absorption, storage, and evaporation of rainwater, so that the city's drainage system follows rainwater. Circulation law.


        Studies have shown that the technical standards of sponge cities are not uniform, and there are many measures that are not conducive to spread and popularization. Therefore, in this article, we summarize the rainwater treatment in sponge cities into three categories, namely "water harvesting measures" for collecting rainwater. , "Water storage measures" for conserving, storing, and filtering rainwater, and "water measures" for how to effectively use rainwater.


       Among the three types of rainwater treatment measures, the initial stage of water collection measures are most closely related to landscape design. Next, we will first focus on the seven most common rainwater treatment methods classified as water harvesting measures.




       The rain garden is a shallow recessed green space formed naturally or manually. It is used to gather and absorb rainwater from the roof or the ground. The rainwater is purified through the comprehensive action of plants and sand, and it gradually penetrates into the soil to conserve groundwater.


        As the most common design method for low-impact development, rain gardens have now been extended in various forms. The narrow rain garden is only a shallow recessed green space with a limited scale and simple structure, which is suitable for the greening of residential areas or private houses.


       In a broad sense, rainwater gardens can include sunken greening facilities that can regulate and purify rainwater runoff. The Edinburgh Rainwater Garden in Melbourne, as shown in the figure below, uses biological purification methods to process runoff in a stepwise manner while regulating storage, providing a large amount of irrigation water for the park where it is located.



        There are also ecological retention areas that have the same functions as rain gardens. However, the difference from the former is that the soil in the ecological retention zone has very strict engineering technical requirements, and also has clear requirements for the soil and engineering drainage structure, and can be divided into ecological retention zones, ecological tree ponds, and ecological retention ponds according to different locations. Wait. Like the streetside ecological retention area in the picture below, road runoff is diverted to the water collection area for storage through the gap on the street.


        In areas with high requirements for traffic or shade, a single tree pond can be used as an ecological retention unit.




As the most common design method for low-impact development, rain gardens have now been extended

Assuming that it is necessary to collect, transport and discharge runoff more than regulating and storing infiltration runoff, a grass-planting ditch can be set up. Planting grass ditch is a belt-shaped recessed green space with a triangular or trapezoidal cross section, which is suitable for narrow and long areas such as green separation belts on both sides of the road. Due to the relatively fast water flow, stones should be laid on the bottom of the grass-planting ditch to prevent soil erosion.


       If the vertical slope of the planting ditch is larger than 4°, energy dissipation ridges should be set to slow down the water flow, and different energy dissipation ridges can be designed according to the style. The energy dissipation ridge in the picture below is paved with pebbles in the river.


        Although it is a belt-shaped rainwater transfer measure, there is no rigid requirement for the width of the grass ditch. It can also be designed as a green space to become a multifunctional area integrating leisure greening and transfer and infiltration, as shown in the figure below.



       If the above measures are more suitable for areas with small green space, then the infiltration pool is suitable for open spaces with larger green areas. The infiltration pool can effectively reduce the peak runoff and supplement groundwater. At the same time, it can be designed as a lawn green space for residents to relax when the weather is clear.




         Constructed wetlands that are similar in scale to the infiltration pool but have different functions are measures to regulate and purify rainwater. It can centrally purify the rainwater collected by rainwater gardens, planting ditch and other measures, and form a multifunctional rainwater storage system together with other treatment methods to create a pleasant wetland landscape.



        In addition to rainwater management measures in green spaces, permeable paving can be used to achieve rainwater infiltration on hard ground, or rainwater can be diverted to detention facilities near the street through canals and trenches, and the purified rainwater can be digested on-site in the water landscape , To create an interactive hydrophilic landscape.





        Low-impact development measures are not only on the ground, but for roofs that are not suitable for green roofs, rainwater can also be collected and guided through drainage ditches and rainwater chains for storage or infiltration. The figure below is a schematic diagram of the structure of roof water collection.


       The picture below shows the copper drainage ditch


       Drainage pipes can also play a creative role in decorating the facade of a building. The picture below shows a German music drain, which not only collects rainwater when it rains, but also "plays" a symphony in the rain.



       Or in areas with more casual landscape styles, such as private houses, rainwater chains can be used instead of drainage pipes to collect rainwater.


        After the rainwater collected by the water harvesting measure infiltrates and supplements the groundwater, the excess water is stored by the water storage measure. Water storage measures are an intermediate step in low-impact development rainwater treatment.



        The rain bucket is a small-scale rainwater collection, precipitation, and purification facility, which is set on the ground. It is generally used in areas with low building density such as residential buildings.

