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What are the advantages of Wipak siphon drainage system.

Release Time:2021-03-04Click:
What are the advantages of Wipak siphon drainage system? The siphon drainage system is currently the most advanced siphon technology in my country. The siphon drainage adopts a forced siphon rainwater bucket, and the water depth in front of the bucket is relatively shallow. The calculation of the mixed flow of steam and water takes into account the infiltration factor, so it is very close to the actual situation. Suspended horizontal installation, using pressure balance calculation, generally computer software calculation. The pipe material, roughness and the weight and length of the pipe are the key points of the calculation. The siphon will be activated at a certain moment. This technology has very high requirements on the integrity of the system and calculation accuracy. The calculation accuracy is directly related to a large amount of experimental and engineering experience data. What are the advantages of Wipak siphon drainage system? The system has high efficiency in generating siphon, and the system has less load on the roof. The stability of the system is high, and the life of the system can be fully guaranteed. Belongs to mature siphon technology. The siphon drainage system uses a siphon rainwater bucket that can isolate the air and high-precision pipes and fittings. By using the potential energy of the building, the rainwater flows through the sealed piping system to form a full pipe flow, and falls on the riser to quickly discharge the rainwater at the level The new type of discharge system produces a siphon effect.
   What are the advantages of Wipak siphon drainage system? The roof rainwater siphon drainage system has great promotion value. In modern buildings, with the development of science and technology and the application of new materials, people have higher and higher requirements for the practicability and aesthetics of buildings. Therefore, the siphon roof rainwater drainage system has a wide range of development prospects and space. Especially in factories, airports, stadiums, exhibition halls, high-rise podiums and other large-span roofs with complex structures, it can not only solve some design difficulties that traditional gravity drainage systems cannot achieve, but also save pipes and construction volume. Advantages that the tradition can't match.
   What are the advantages of Wipak siphon drainage system:
  1, 1/2 to 2/3 smaller than the diameter of the gravity system.
  2, the horizontal pipe does not need a slope.
  3, the roof rainwater bucket is flexible.
  4. It can reduce and reduce the requirements for roof holes.
  5, the pipeline direction is flexible and can be set according to various design requirements.
  6. ​​The pipe material can be flexibly selected.
  7, the water depth in the roof and gutter can be controlled.
  8, fast water flow with self-cleaning pipeline function
